With dental implants becoming an invaluable tool in 21st century dentistry, removable restorative options have changed.
The objective of this course is to highlight the different options available. Removable prostheses can be made to restore the original facial characteristics of patients. No longer do patients have to have that “denture” look. With the addition of implant options, these “NewYou dentures “ can be retained with a variety of options. They can also be supported with either bars or with a fixed hybrid. This webinar will cover these options so that the dentist can offer their patients 21st century choices.
- Partial dentures – clasp or implant?
- How to use retention NewYou dentures
- Fabricate a NM denture that makes the patient look 10 years younger than they are vs. 10 years older than they are
- Implant Retained Dentures Locators, O-rings, ball attachments
- Full coverage palate vs no palate denture
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Implant Supported denture Bars, Screw retained (non-patient removable)
- Immediate load vs delayed loading
Release date: Wed, April 09, 2014
“Removable Restorative Options in the 21st Century” is co-sponsored by Dental Tribune America, LLC. Dental Tribune America LLC is a recognized ADA CERP provider.
Speaker: Michael Reece, DDS, LVIM
DR. MICHAEL K. REECE is a 1978 graduate of the University of Texas at Houston School of Dentistry.
Post graduation, Dr. Reece served in the U.S. Air Force as a Captain in the Dental Corps for 3 years before establishing his cosmetic and restorative dental practice in 1981. Dr. Reece’s passion for teaching motivates him to serve as the Chief Clinical Instructor at the Las Vegas Institute (LVI) as well as an LVI Regional Director. He also hosts other dental offices where they observe restorative systems in action.
Dr. Reece has obtained his Mastership at LVI, is an accredited member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and a Fellow in the International Congress of Oral Implantology (ICOI). He is also a member of the American Dental Association (ADA) and the Texas Dental Association (TDA). Dr. Reece practices in Bryan-College Station, Texas emphasizing aesthetic and restorative dentistry that includes neuromuscular occlusion (bite) and implants.
His specialty in Extreme Makeover Dentures has had a significant impact on the baby boomer generation in his community. The realization of “it’s my time” has inspired many people to seek out Dr. Reece’s expertise to not only restore their oral health but also give them a more youthful appearance.