From this course you will learn, the laser physics, tissue interactions, new technologies available and how to consider implementing lasers into your dental practice.
The attendees will be able to understand Laser Physics and identify which lasers dental hygienists can use.The attendees will feel comfortable having a basic introduction to lasers and know what a valuable tool a soft tissue laser can be. The attendees will observe some of the new technology available to dental hygienists and how to implement them into their practices.
The attendees will understand ho important training on their soft tissue lasers is in relation to the acceptance of their case presentations to their patients.
Release date: Mon, June 13, 2011
“Periodontal Therapy for the Laser Hygienist” is co-sponsored by Dental Tribune America, LLC. Dental Tribune America LLC is a recognized ADA CERP provider.
Speaker: Angie Mott, RDH
Angie Mott, RDH has been a clinical hygienist for over 20 years. Recently she was named as the Dental Hygiene Program Director for Las Vegas institute (LVI) in Las Vegas, NV. She is a member of the Academy of Laser Dentistry(ALD), where she obtained her Advanced level proficiency, her Educator Status and received her ALD Recognized Course Provider 2007 and her Mastership with ALD in 2008. Angie is currently serving as Auxiliary Chair for the ALD Board of Directors and serves on the Regulatory Affairs, Education, Membership, Advertising and the Scientific Sessions Committees. Angie is a past presenter for the ALD, RDH Under one Roof as well as had articles published with RDH and JPH magazines. She works clinically 4 days a week in Dental Hygiene. Angie has worked with the Nd: YAG soft tissue lasers since 2000, and Diode soft tissue lasers since 2005. Angie can be reached at