PCI and HIPAA Compliance “What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You”




Brian Sachs, a 20+ veteran in the payment card industry and data security, will be lecturing on key regulation that has impacted his (and everyone’s) industry. Payment Card Industry (PCI) rules now require that every business that accepts credit card payment must become PCI compliant.

In addition, HIPAA rules require the implementation of Disaster Recovery Plans and complete protection of patient data.  Brian will be discussing these rules and implications of non-compliance, as well as proven remediation plans to protect your practice.

Learning objectives:

  • PCI and HIPAA Regulations that impact the dental industry;
  • What steps must be done to protect a dental practice against data breach and loss;
  • Compliance regulation changes for 2011 and fines.


Release date: Sat, November 26, 2011

“PCI and HIPAA Compliance “What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You”” is co-sponsored by Dental Tribune America, LLC. Dental Tribune America LLC is a recognized ADA CERP provider.

Speaker: Brian Sachs

brian-sachsMr. Brian Sachs is President of Albion Inc. Albion provides merchant processing and regulatory compliance services to over seven thousand businesses nationwide. Mr. Sachs has over 20 years of experience consulting small businesses on payment processing, regulatory compliance and data privacy. Mr. Sachs speaks regularly on PCI and HIPAA regulatory compliance and specializes in risk management consulting focused on the medical and professional service industries.

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