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Anyone interested in the range of services patients can be directed to for various special care needs for assessment, treatment and/or diagnosis.

Presentation style:

Computer video, teleconference, Internet, and presentation software


CD’s will be provided with materials to support providers in their interactions with health care providers

Target Audience:

Experienced neuromuscular general dentists. Dentists limiting their practice to cranialmandibular disorders. Anyone interested in the range of services patients can be directed to for various special care needs for assessment, treatment and/or diagnosis.


This short lecture will expose participants to various allied health care providers in the path to help patients gain the level of health they desire.

1. Specialties in health care


  • CBVT
  • MRI
  • Radiographic
  • 3D





Physical therapists



  • Pharmacists
  • Acupuncturist
  • Orthodontic diagnostic services
  • Sleep Medicine

2. Definitions of specialties purpose

3. Methods of referral

  • Referral forms
  • Reports

4. Expectations with care

5. Triage techniques

6. Resources available

a. Organizations

b. Continuing Education

c. Community

  • Hospitals
  • Study Clubs
  • Universities

Release date: Wed, February 24, 2010

Speaker: Douglas Chase, D.D.S.

douglas-chase-d-d-sDr. Douglas Chase graduated from University of the Pacific School of Dentistry in 1979 and dedicated his first year providing dentistry to the inner island people of Jamaica, West Indies. Since 1981, Dr. Chase enjoys practicing general dentistry with a focus in neuromuscular care with two offices in Santa Rosa, California. Dr. Chase has been an adjunct instructor in the computer science department of Santa Rosa Junior College. Currently he spends one day a week as an associate professor at the Pacific Center for Orofacial Disorders of the Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, is a research editor for MedEdPortal, and gives numerous lectures on Cranialmandibular Cervical Disorders (CMCD) both nationally and internationally. Dr. Chase is member of ADA/CDA professional groups and others such as American Academy of Sleep Disorders, International Academy of Comprehensive Aesthetics, American Academy of Cranialfacial Pain, and a Fellow of the International College of Craniomandibular Orthopedics.


Address: 1401 Hillshire, Dr. Suite 200, Las Vegas, NV 89134
Phone: 888.584.3237; 702.341.7978
Fax: 702.341.8510